Pivot - Bucketown, BTC, AT, Batchchurch, LTC, EOS, Corruptorensi



Image result for pivotPivot is a community for chancellor investors from China. Its Chinese version is running well. We provide cryptocurrency markets, prices and charts more than 1400 cryptocurrencies and the latest buchenest news in real time. Our goal is to help investors communicate more effectively and start in the blockchin industry. Piet has acquired an investment fund from the bonsans and other famous corruptionistous funds. So far, almost 100 slow startup in the blocks industry and hundreds of business leaders have opened public accounts in the pivot. And more than 100kg investors are using pits to guide their investments.

Blessed investors where the PVT community is committed to becoming a community
Can communicate freely and cooperate?

The PVT community's approach allows blind investors to work together
Change the world

Mission of the Pvt community is to empower investors through blocks
The community not only avoid shuffled by the capital (financial shuffle), but also
Discover quality projects; Community members can be aware of them
Blocks, cooperate within the community, and ultimately guide their investment
And business skills.

The main task of the community is a valuable information screen. Everyone is
Right to information release and right to freedom of effective questions. Finish
The PTT community is the foundation of capital shuffle behavior to empower them.
Therefore, the PVT community does not want simple and raw development, but will work
Join community members to start a new discussion on new events. What
PVT community must share free information completely. PVT community too
Provides a set of incredible and permanent data storage mechanisms
Nothing to hide the capital shafer.

The second job of the community is that investors will certainly help to find quality projects.
The best businesses have general resources, the best plans are needed
The best businesses also need the best investors. Allows the community
Traders and investors shared common values, concepts based on concepts
And blockchain, establish consensus-based rules, and generate new ones
Law-based cooperation
